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Dentures In Tustin, CA

Dentures in Tustin, CA

Dentures are removable replacements for missing teeth that can be removed at any time for cleaning or sleep. At Marta Rudat, DDS, we custom-make dentures from impressions of your mouth and can replace one tooth, a few teeth, or even all of your natural teeth at once. Our dentist will make a custom-fit set of dentures that snap onto your remaining natural teeth, gums, or be set onto a prepared implant for a secure fit.

Over time, your jawbone and gum tissues will naturally shrink, causing your dentures to lose their grip and slip out at inopportune moments. This is why it is essential to visit our dentist regularly to have your dentures adjusted to ensure maximum comfort. Our dentist may suggest adding dental implants to stabilize and improve your oral health if you are currently wearing complete dentures.

Types of Dentures

There are two main types of dentures: partial and complete.

A partial denture is for people with some natural teeth remaining. A partial replaces one or more teeth and clasps around the remaining natural teeth to keep them in place. It’s held in place by a metal framework attached to the surrounding teeth. A partial might be your best option if you want something to replace multiple missing teeth.

Complete dentures replace all of the upper or lower teeth in the mouth. Some patients opt for a complete denture right after their remaining teeth are extracted so that they can chew food properly without pain, while others prefer to wait for their gums to heal first. Both removable and fixed options are available. A fixed option may be recommended if you have few or no remaining natural teeth on which a removable one to attach.

When Would You Need Dentures?

There are many reasons why patients may need to replace their teeth. Some common causes include the following:

  • Advanced gum disease and tooth decay can cause the loss of teeth.
  • Injuries to the mouth may also cause tooth loss. This can result from injuries from sports, falls, car accidents, or fights.
  • Genetics may play a role in your likelihood of losing teeth, and they may need to be replaced.
  • If you suffer from certain medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes, stroke, or heart disease, you may need to replace your teeth when they get damaged or infected.

Dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth and match your surrounding teeth. To learn more about the benefits of dentures, contact Marta Rudat, DDS, at 1076 E 1st St STE D, Tustin, CA 92780, or call (714) 665-4200.


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